3 Simple Ways To Be A More Confident Speaker
You can increase your confidence by doing the very thing which makes you nervous. For many people, that is speaking. It’s hard to get on stage and see the eyes in front of you, waiting for you to deliver, hanging on your words until you let them drop.
But it doesn’t have to be super scary. In fact, here are 3 simple ways you can appear more confident when you get on stage to speak:
- Stride with purpose. This is the first thing people will notice. DO you walk to the stage like you know where you’re headed or do you walk like you’re not sure if you should be there? This language comes through and comes across quickly. Walk up like you know where you are going and as if you have something ridiculously important to share…because you do!
- Create the energy you want. Tony Robbins is a master at this. He doesn’t respond to the energy of the audience. He creates the energy and they feed on it. You don’t have to get people up on their chairs dancing. But, what energy fits you and the message you are about to share? Bring it!! You are leading the audience.
- Be clear about how you want the plane to take off and know when to land it. Never get up there without a plan. What do you want to say when you start? What do you want to leave them with? Don’t feel compelled to say any more than you need to. Lock in, then make it short and sweet.
(Need a framework to do this? Check out my E.A.S.E. framework)
The more you act confident, the easier it is to feel it.
Don’t doubt yourself.
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me onTwitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website, RobertKennedy3.com