5 Things I Hate
Hate is a strong word. But, I hate…
- ungrateful behavior. Like that time I was rushing to a class, and I stopped to help someone pick up the papers they had dropped. Instead of saying thank you, they told to make sure I didn’t crush the papers.
- division. Nope, not the math division. Human division. I despise the system of colors and races to which we’ve agreed. While disguised as a way to help create order, it is a system whose primary intent is to keep some down and others elevated.
- complaining. Bad things happen. But so do good things. Venting is necessary sometimes. But, I seek an exit when someone regularly chooses to use complaining as their coping mechanism. Your choice. But, I choose not to be around.
- intolerance. We’re all different. While I may not agree with you or your choices, I can still recognize you as a human being who has the right to choose their version of happiness. Debating is good for discovery. Arguing is even healthy for most relationships. But, when people simply see their own perspectives as right with no other possibilities existing, that is close-minded and infuriating.
- malice. I grew up watching superhero cartoons, shows, and movies. When you have shows with villains, it’s easy to think there are people who simply love to commit crime and cause pain to others. As I grew up, I learned that much of the time, in the real world, people who commit heinous acts have often suffered some tragedy or trauma of their own. This doesn’t excuse their behavior. But, in some cases, I believe they have acted out of misguided direction more than malicious intent. However, there are circumstances where someone’s intent is purposeful and spiteful. I’m not only referring to criminal acts. I’m also referring to the ‘I’m-going=to-be-mean-to-you-because-you-offended-me’ behavior.
Hate is a negative, emotional word. But, there is use for it. If we were to get more emotional about some of the injustice in our world, we would see a difference. But, because most of us simply dislike it, we remain silent. We find it easier to live our bubble reality than putting our passion behind a cause.
Fear has driven us underground where life with the moles and groundhogs is comfy. But, comfort always has an expiration date.
So, it may be time to begin embracing your passion and understanding the things you hate…enough to speak out.
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