9 Statements To Start Your Day With Focus
“Today is a clean slate.”
What you did yesterday counts but it doesn’t matter anymore. You can’t change it. Today, you get to create something new with new actions.
“You will win today.”
Will today be perfect? No, of course not. None of them are. But, you will have at least one win. Look for it and celebrate it.
“You’re stronger than you believe.”
You’re going to hit a point where you feel like you can’t do more. Do more anyway. You’ve got more strength and power than you know. Push your limits.
“You have a gift to give the world.”
The world is waiting for you today. It works best if you use your gifts to contribute to the picture. Will it go on without you? Sure. But, it works better when you work it.
“You’re better than yesterday’s failure.”
If you made a mistake yesterday, don’t hang on to it. It doesn’t define what you can do today. Push forward.
“Empty your tank on today.”
It might feel like you need to conserve your energy or your talent. But, ask yourself. Why? If you give EVERYTHING you have to today, how much better will it be? Even if you don’t feel clear, give 100% of you to today.
“Everything you’ve done before has prepared you for right now. You’re made for this moment.”
You might feel a bit unsure. But, know you are ready for today. And the only way you will find out is if you do it. Grab your courage and go. Do that new thing and find out what you’re made of.
“You’re not alone.”
You might feel alone some days. But, you have a team that’s ready for you. You just need to find them and activate them. They are here for your success. They might be your family. They might be friends. They might be the person you need to hire today. They may be in your Facebook group. They are out there and they are ready to support your journey to success.
“You can do this!”
Believe it! Know it! Feel it! DO IT!! You’ve got this! Turn on that Rocky music and OWN your space! Today is yours!
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website, RobertKennedy3.com