That Time I Got An ‘F’

Robert Kennedy III
4 min readApr 9, 2017


The results of the inventory came back. Electrical engineering or communications…that’s what it said I might be interested in pursuing. How did the test know anyway? Was it wrong?

I knew that no test could give a perfect answer to who a person was or what they should do. But, there was something about this test that hit some of my interests on the head. Now on to the step of choosing a college major.

It wasn’t as simple as choosing a major. I’d decided to go to an institution within my church denomination. But, there were only a couple that had full engineering programs, and they were on the west coast. I didn’t want to go that far. I also wasn’t clear on the options I would have if I’d pursued communications. Communications? Didn’t you have to be…well…you know, a talker to do this? This was for news reporters and journalists, right? Just in case you didn’t know me back then, I wasn’t a talker.

So, I chose a major that “made sense.” Biology. I could be like Cliff Huxtable and become a doctor. (OK, please refrain from any Cosby comments. It was what I was watching at the time) Becoming a doctor made sense. It was a respectable field. Every parent was proud of kids in med school. And, they made darn good money.

I was gung ho…until that first chemistry class. I wasn’t scared of working hard, but there was something about that first class that didn’t say this-is-where-you’re-supposed-to-be. I studied, connected with my classmates and made it through. Whew! Well, at least until Organic Chem. This class had me seriously questioning my place in this world. Why was I in this class? Wow. I had no idea what was happening to me. But, I just couldn’t say to my parents or anyone that this wasn’t what I wanted. First semester? I struggled through and got a C. Second semester? Whoa!! Harder than the first. Easy F. Yep. F! In my ENTIRE school career, I’d never EVER experienced an F. Not on a quiz, not on a test…NOTHING! My throat swelled up, and I could barely breathe. I would have to tell my parents. My dad got quiet. I could tell he was mad. Mom? She didn’t say much, but over the next few days, she asked me about other things I wanted to try.

“What about English,” she said. “You write all the time. You have your poems and your songs that you are always writing.”

I didn’t know she knew about them all. But, I couldn’t imagine myself writing as a career. Plus, there was that not-so-great experience in my Honors English class during my freshman year.

Mom tried another approach. “What about history?”

Hmmm. That’s not too bad. I would have to write, but I wouldn’t be a WRITER exactly. Cool. I could do that and maybe check out law school. But, there were these biology credits. I wasn’t going to just quit.

I went to summer classes and passed the Organic Chem. Yep, another C, but it was done.

I dove into my history classes during my junior year and finished that major handily. My biology major? I made it through, but it was a struggle. I was smart enough, but I was out of place.

When I graduated with both majors, my parents suggested I keep going on to do my Masters degree. What did I choose? A Masters in Biotechnology. Yep, you can guess. Didn’t complete it. In fact, it took almost ten years and four schools before I settled and completed my Master’s degree…in Educational Curriculum & Technology!

About five years after graduating college, I became a teacher. Being in the classroom taught me how to be a “talker”. I was a necessary talker. I didn’t talk simply because I felt like it. I talked to convey ideas and concepts. But, then after leaving teaching, I talked to teach software and learning concepts to grown-ups. Then, I talked to teach them how to communicate ideas. And now, I talk to teach people about how to talk, tell their stories and lead others.

Yeah, that test had me pegged!

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About The Author

My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a leadership and communication speaker, trainer and author. I recently released 7 Ways To Know You Were Meant To Lead on Amazon. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebookor on my website,



Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community —

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