I Blew It And I Might Blow It Again
What do you do when you fail?
What do you do when you feel like you failed and it wasn’t your fault?
What do you do when you realize you can’t regain the opportunity to make it right?
I failed. I missed a writing day because I was focused on creating content for something else. Then I simply got tired and went to bed.
I broke the chain!
I’ve been telling you not to break the chain and I broke the chain.
If I’m looking at it honestly and being real with myself, I didn’t break the chain because I was tired. I broke it because I didn’t set myself up for success. Leaving my commitment for the end of the day is a recipe for failure. And so…I failed!
Now what?
You pick up and get back at it. You can do NOTHING about yesterday. All you can control is now. So, I mourned for a moment. But ultimately decided to spend my energy on things I can take action on immediately.
And so, I write!
Chain link number 1.
Success begins with the first one!
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me onTwitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website,RobertKennedy3.com