If Not Now, When?
If not now, when? That’s what I asked and both of them simply looked at me with a guilty and resigned look. They knew every excuse had been given and the words coming out of their mouths were empty, even to them.
I was in a session with one of my coaching groups, and there were two ladies talking about their goals. However, every time we brought up their goals, they had a reason why they were progressing slowly, if at all.
“I just couldn’t get it together this week.”
“My son had baseball games.”
“I had family in town, and it just threw me off.”
“My schoolwork is kicking my butt, and…”
“No one will give me money, and my job is ramping up.”
All valid reasons. They didn’t come across as flakes. They were hard workers. But, that’s just it. Sometimes we work hard…on the wrong things.
Were they doing the wrong things? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on what you want. If you say you want to become a champion chess player, but you are working really hard at UNO, then what’s more important? If you say you want to complete a book, but you say you’re too tired to get up 15 minutes earlier every day, then what’s more important?
These ladies were waiting for it to be perfect.
“I’m going to start on Sunday so it can be right at the beginning of the week,” one said.
“I need to wait until…”
Steven Pressfield refers to this as The Resistance and notes it as the difference between the Amateur and the Professional. The Amateur allows the day to determine how he functions and the time he spends on his dream. But the Professional is relentless in his pursuit and continually encounters failure on the way. The reasons are real and rational. But recognizing them as The Resistance is the only way to begin moving from Amateur to Pro.
And moving is the operative word. But, when?
When is the perfect time?
When is the right time?
When is the time that it will be the least painful?
When will it be most comfortable?
When will it fit neatly in the schedule?
To make progress, to pursue success, the answer almost always must be NOW.
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