I’m An Expert Because I Say I Am
“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” — Muhammad Ali
Words! We all say them. We don’t really recognize their power. They give life. Yet, they can be deadly. Unfortunately, many people use them to kill.
Words get whipped around and wielded as weapons under the guise of protection. We see them as survival against the world. We grab them as shields from the violence of life. But, we don’t realize the victims.
These have all been killed by words. Sometimes they have been assailed by what comes from our mouths. But, usually, they get assassinated by the words in our minds. Our mental vigilantes, on the prowl constantly seek to destroy the greatness which lies within us.
The vigilantes tell us our ideas are not real. They tell us people will laugh. They con us into believing we have to wait for the recognition of others before we can move forward.
But, we only need two things:
It may not always make sense to you or anyone else, but take the time to sit and create a roadmap. Draft a plan that excites you. Remove yourself from the opinions of others for a moment and write down what you want to do. Will there be barriers, obstacles and challenges? Sure. But they would be there anyway. In fact, they NEED to be there to help you get stronger, more creative and more persistent along the way.
Once you have that plan, then be BOLD enough to ACT!
“We ask ourselves,
‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’
Actually, who are you not to be?
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.” — Marianne Williamson
We all know something. We all know something that no one else does. We all have something we can share from a unique perspective. It’s time for you to be the EXPERT!
I haven’t always been a talker but I’ve always been a communicator. I’ve communicated through questions, through writing poems on paper napkins, through stories, through comic book competitions with my younger brothers, through pouring my emotions into songs and through standing in front of thousands of people sharing information and inspiration.
All of this happened BEFORE I realized my expertise. It happened BEFORE I called myself The Confident Communicator. It happened because it was supposed to happen. I just needed to claim it and use it.
Your gift is there. It’s always been there. You just need to claim it and use it. As you use it, you sharpen it and you show others how they can begin to step into theirs. You don’t need to wait for permission!
You’re an expert because you live and because you say so!
Now, you must believe it and act like it!
Create your personal goal and strategy plan for 2018 by joining me on Nov. 28th at 7pm. Register here: http://www.speakwritenow.com/go2018
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me onTwitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website, RobertKennedy3.com