I’m Jealous A Lot…Here’s What I’m Doing About It
My wife and I have a really good relationship. We have fun and we talk to each other all the time. We have bad days but most of them are great. I really love that our stress is together and not at each other. It’s pretty cool. But, I’m not jealous of her. As a matter of fact, she’s often jealous of me.
I do get jealous though. As I scroll through my timelines, I often see other people who seem like they have great lives or like their dreams are coming true. And, for a moment, literally a millisecond, I get jealous. And then I shrug it off because it’s pretty stupid. Yep, that was a moment of transparency.
It’s like this journey that I’m on. There are people on their own journey and some of them seem to be traveling on roads that are parallel to mine. Others are on the same road and they are ahead of me in the journey. Those are the people that I get milli-second jealous of because they are doing what I want to be doing and they share. When I see a video of Tony Robbins, or Tony Gaskins or Eric Thomas, I get milli-second jealous because they are speaking in front of thousands of people and I just haven’t gotten there yet.I will! How do I know? It’s on my wall. If it’s on your wall, it happens, right?
Jealousy is not necessarily a bad thing, though. We hear the word jealous and we immediately think about a green eyed monster and some crazy-ex stalking their old fling. Jealous has gotten a bad rap. The truth is that it is just a feeling and you determine the actions that follow it. When you get jealous, you can choose to do something great with it or something negative with it. You can choose to be determined about being better or you can choose to be crazy and fly off the handle. You get to determine your personal manifestation of jealousy.
Here’s what I’m doing about my jealousy. I enjoy it. I get inspired to be bigger, be better. I get inspired to dream dreams and think up ideas that are bigger than I thought possible. I say jealous because for the moment, I want what they have. Some might still consider that bad. Some might throw the Bible at me and tell me not to covet. But, if we’re using the Bible, it says that God gets jealous also. I doubt we consider God evil…well, at least most of us don’t.
So, I’m going to get jealous again. I know I will. And I’ll be proud of it because it simply means that I’m not satisfied with where I am. It means that I am looking for better. And once I achieve it, I’ll look to grow to a new level.
Here’s to jealousy!