My Selfish Reason For Speaking
OK. I’ll admit it. Part of the reason I’m a speaker is selfish. I’m able to do some things I wouldn’t be able to do or do as frequently in most other industries. I get to travel a bit. The travel wasn’t the reason I started, of course. But, I’ve realized that I can apply to speak at conferences or events in some areas to which I want to travel.
So, I’m creating my list.
- The Maldive Islands
- Fiji
- Australia
- Japan
- Eritrea
- Morocco
- Lichenstein
- Dubai
The problem with this list is the more of these places I visit, the longer the list will get. The more of the world you see, the more you seem to realize there is so much more out there you haven’t seen. I want to live a life where I was not just able to see the world, but able to meet people from different parts of the world. People think differently, they see differently, they live differently. I realize that many of the issues we have amongst people come because we tend to live in cocoons and never turn into butterflies. By that, I mean we stay in our space of comfort and rarely venture out to understand how other people think and live. This closed space makes it difficult for us to understand and empathize. So, when our belief systems are challenged, we feel threatened.
Maybe my reasoning isn’t that selfish after all. I’m a speaker because, ultimately, I want to help people relate better to each other.
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a leadership and communication speaker, trainer and author. I recently released 7 Ways To Know You Were Meant To Lead on Amazon. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebookor on my website,