Questions And Faith
Is it just me? The older I get, I recognize that the things I was taught as a young child were often not absolute. Sure, they were taught as absolutes. But, I could legitimately question them.
For example, I was taught a certain way to do addition, subtraction and multiplication problems in school. When I asked about it, I was told, “That’s just how you’re supposed to do it.”
But, now, my kids have common core math and do it totally differently. Hmmm.
I was told that I had to go to church otherwise I wasn’t a real christian.
But now, I go to church and there are a lot of people there who are struggling with their own spiritual relationships. Meanwhile, I know quite a few who DON’T go to church who seem to have it figured out. Hmmm.
I was told, for the most part, that you need to vote Democrat or Republican because if you didn’t then you were messing with the vote count.
But then, Ross Perot…Hmmm.
I was told at some point that the tooth fairy wasn’t real but then how do you explain faith or belief except to know that it occurs in someone or something that doesn’t makes sense to everyone else? Hmmm!
But everyone does believe! We all believe in SOMETHING! And we believe because we choose to. So, even if it doesn’t always seem logical, that Faith is what creates our Hope and allows us to push towards something better.
Questions make this real. Accepting without questioning makes us robotic.
So, keep asking questions. Keeping searching. Keep finding the connections which allow you find your smile moments.
Because those moments are worth finding.
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website,