Random Thoughts on Same-ness & Different-ness
If you want the same result, do what you’ve always done. If you want a different result, do something different.
Life won’t change until you do.
If you keep riding your bike along the same dirt path, it forms a groove. And that feels comforting at first. But then, it becomes harder and harder to get out.
Most of us drive the same way to work, school and church. And we feel regular. Turn down a different street or turn into a different parking lot. Pay specific attention to how your body and your mind feel. Does it feel regular still?
When we enter a room, why do we tend to sit in similar positions every time?
When is routine helpful and when is it a detriment?
What happens if I go to the gym and lift the same weights every day?
What if I eat the same food every day?
What really happens if I talk to the same people every day?
Do I need to look for new friends in order to grow?
Is it a bad thing when I’m comfortable?
Does that apply when I’m on the couch or in my bed?
What makes us agree?
There are books in my library I may never read.
How do you know when it’s time to move on?
It’s hard to believe that 98.6 is normal body temperature but 99.6 is a fever. One degree makes the difference.
I hate the concept of race. (Random, I know. It just popped up.)
Has anyone measured how much melanin it takes to make someone officially a different race? More to it than that? Hmmm. Maybe.
Why do we need to feel superior?
What if we couldn’t see color? No, what if we literally couldn’t see color?
If one degree makes such a huge difference, what if it only took one small action for you to totally change your life?
69 degrees is fall. 70 degrees is spring.
What if underneath our different-ness, we were all the same?
Wait a minute…
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website, RobertKennedy3.com