Random Thoughts That May Work Together

Robert Kennedy III
4 min readOct 8, 2016


Every so often, I will just post random thoughts without worrying about artistic integrity or grammatical perfection.

Today is one of those days.

I absolutely hate the election process right now in the US. Maybe I am getting more sensitive with age. But I happen to look around and feel like all of us are duped. There is always so much going on behind the scenes that we have no idea about. Our system is supposed to be one where we elect a proxy to stand-in for us. But when I was a kid, although I was told about the way the system was supposed to be, it still just felt like we were electing random people because we had to. I’m not sure if whoever we elect really represents what each of us wants.

Realistically, that’s probably an impossible feat as well.

Nothing makes sense really. I’m a Christian believer and even I have to realize that my belief systems don’t make sense to a lot of people either. I remember when I was a kid and I first heard from my parents that Santa wasn’t real. I took it as gospel because my parents said it. But when I got married and had kids, I realized that it took the same thing to believe in Jesus as it did to believe in Santa. For a kid, they both amount to faith. Belief in someone they can’t really see but they know they receive some benefit from their belief at some point.

It’s amazing how many things we are “brainwashed” with as we grow up and then realize later on there is no real unarguable concreteness to them. At the end of the day, it comes down to faith and deciding to believe.

I remember when I became a science teacher and really began to understand better how things worked. I began to understand things like color and how we see color. White light reflects at a certain angle in our atmosphere and our minds interpret it as a certain color. As a child, we’re told blue is blue and we simply accept it. There is no variation. Until you realize that when there is no light, there is actually no color…only materials that happen to absorb a certain amount of light and reflect other parts of it. Huh? Yeah, exactly. I understand it and accept it because I taught science. But, there are other possibilities. There always are. What about people who are colorblind or who see color differently? We blend those into a large group. But, is it possibly that as unique as we all are, we all see color slightly differently? Is your blue the exact color of my blue?

Remember the DRESS that lit up the internet?

Everyone has a different perspective.

Now, I know that a studied theologian will come here and denounce this a simply a weak diatribe on faith and belief. But, the truth is I don’t care. It’s still another perspective. We all have them and most of us share ours in an attempt to convince others of how right we are and how wrong they are.

I’ve come to the place where I’ve realized that isn’t my job. Influence is one thing. As a leader, I need to influence people to accomplish certain results. However, I don’t need to convince anyone of my “right-ness”.

Maybe my thoughts today aren’t as random as I thought. Maybe I’m thinking in a straight line today.

I’m sitting at a table while typing and looking across at a bottle of syrup. I figured I’d throw that in just to increase the random thought factor.

Why are people hesitant to post and write random thoughts? They’re afraid no one will take them seriously. They’re afraid of being judged and thought of as “un-serious”. Some of us detest scholars and snobs and yet we do everything not to be judged by them. Crazy, huh?

I know about this because I used to be a snob. I was grown like this. Yes, some things were better than other things. Some people were better than other people. Don’t blame my parents. It wasn’t their fault. They were grown that way too and their parents before them. Before you look and cast anything my way, though, give yourself an honest look. Have you ever made fun of someone for ANYTHING or looked down on them? Yes, you have. We all have. Yes, even those that have less look down on someone at some point. Sometimes it’s as simple as testing someone because you think they think they are better than you. It’s a reverse judgment…but still a judgment.

We’ve all got stuff to check on. We were all brainwashed in some way and now we begin to think and realize what we were fed.

But at the end of the day, we come up with our own value system. We live what makes sense to us. We believe what works for us. We have faith in SOMETHING whether we want to admit it or not. And maybe, on a good day, we’re nice to someone else.

How’s that for a great life!?!

You’ve got to love it and live it.



Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com

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