Thank You For The Reminder
There is a sign in my room and it reads, “Begin each day with a grateful heart.”
It’s on the wall so I see it every morning when I sit up in bed for the first time.
I don’t always obey immediately.
But, I see it and I know what I should do. It’s a reminder.
It hits me. Most people don’t have reminders. We walk around on autopilot.
You won’t be perfect every day. You won’t be perfect on most days. However, it helps to have a reminder to bring you back to the center.
The great thing about this sign is I also see it when I’m going to bed. So, the reminder is there for my night time also.
I want gratitude to flow through me even when I’m not awake and aware.
I’m working on having gratitude not just being my first thought…but my only thought.
I’m thankful for the reminder.
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me onTwitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website,