The One Product You Should Use Daily
Boldness! There should be a cologne called Boldness! I’m not just talking about the kind where you spray it on, and it smells good. I mean the kind that would temporarily remove your fear and make you bold.
Let’s say you had a job interview that morning and you just weren’t feeling sure; spray a few squirts of Boldness!, and you could walk right in and knock it out.
Let’s suppose you were getting ready to go on stage to speak in front of 2,000 people for the first time, but you forgot your speech at home; whip out your travel bottle of Boldness!, spritz the air in front of you, then walk through it.
What if you were getting ready to fill out an application for a business loan that could make a huge difference? Yep, push some Boldness! into the air and go get it!
Ahhhh, that would be great! Boldness! would be a phenomenal product. I’m sure it would allow for some thrilling victories. But, it would also be the culprit for some reckless behavior.
We already have both of those. So, maybe Boldness! already exists. If it does, where is it? Where can you buy it? What store sells it? It’s not for sale. We already have it. It’s right there on the mental shelf next to Belief! We can turn it on and off. The more you choose to use it, the easier it becomes to access. But when you refuse to grab it, it moves further back on the shelf, becoming harder to reach.
The issue for many people is they only try to access it when big situations come up. But, if you wait until then, it may be too far back on the shelf for you to reach it without a lot of effort.
“Do one thing every day that scares you.” — Mary Schmich
Each day is filled with opportunities to use your Boldness! You just need to be intentional about not shying away. Decide that you want progress more than you want comfort. Decide that you want growth more than you want predictability. Decide you want discovery more than undiscovered potential.
The sun just came up! Go get your bottle and spray it on!
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a leadership and communication speaker, trainer and author. I recently released 7 Ways To Know You Were Meant To Lead on Amazon. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebookor on my website,