What Scares You
Day 9
OK OK OK! I admit it. Snakes. I don’t like them. I don’t care if they are poisonous or not. They give me the newbie jeebies. Sure, under a controlled circumstance, like in science class, I would touch one. But, if we are walking out on the street and one appears, don’t expect any protection from me. I’m gone, ghost, outta there.
I’m not sure why, but I just don’t like the site of them. Maybe it’s my Christian upbringing and the whole Adam and Eve thing. I just know I don’t like them. Never have. The bigger they are, the worse it is. I even have trouble looking at them in pictures without feeling uneasy.
Now that you know, don’t get any ideas.
Snakes are the physical thing for me. But, each of us has mental snakes that may give us fits. What is the mental thing that causes you to seriously raise your blood pressure? I remember the first time in my adult life speaking before an audience. It wasn’t that bad. But someone asked me, “How would you have felt if the audience were bigger?” I remember my mind going wild and imagining a stadium full of people, with me standing there, behind a podium…NAKED! Except, I didn’t know I was naked at first. Not until some guy yelled out, “Hey, we can see his butt!”
Maybe you’ve had that nightmare too! Or maybe yours was a bit different. But, there is something that each of us fights through in order to reach our ultimate success. What is your snake? What is it that scares you?
Day 8 Prompt: Write about what scares you and what you can do about it.
Being scared is one thing. But, remaining petrified is even worse. You can be scared but if you never do anything about the fear, you leave yourself in place to be bitten. You’ve got to put a plan in place to move. So, what are you going to do?
Start with writing a plan. Review it. Study it! And then ACT on it!
Instructions for today:
- Write a reply to the prompt for today. Use your own website blog, a wordpress.com blog or here on Medium.com.
- Link to this post in your own blog post.
This post is in reply to Day 9 of the Get It Write 14 Day Blogging Challenge - Post your link also in the Day 9 thread in the Facebook Group.
- Right-click the image below and choose Save Image As. Save it to your computer, then insert the image into your blog post. Hyperlink the image to http://www.robertkennedy3.com/blogchallenge