What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
I’m not sure if this title will even make sense to everyone. But, it’s ridiculously easy to be overwhelmed by life and the technologies that are available. I look at my phone and there are notifications coming from Medium and Pulse and other media. Part of me wonders, “well geez, why do these folks always seem to have something to say?”
And then I feel like I should have something to say. Then I think that something might be wrong because I don’t have something to say. But I feel like I should say something because otherwise no one will hear me saying anything. And if I say nothing, then it will be like I don’t exist, right?
How often do you feel like that? Your stream of conscious just runs down this road and before long, you have abandoned self destructive jabs and are doing full-throttle Tyson hooks. You are spinning and you just don’t know what to do.
I’ve felt the pang and I’ve felt the pain. I’ve spun the spin and I’ve turned the turn. I copped to confusion and done the do. I’ve whipped like a top and screwed myself into the ground where you simply end up stuck. When you end up here, what do you do? I’ll tell you what you DON’T do. You DON’T sit still. Ok, maybe you do for a moment because the constant blur is what got you stuck in the first place. You stop and gather in quiet solitude. But, then you pick up and you DO. Because, when it comes down to it, ACTION is really what matters and what makes the difference. When you don’t know what to do, DO SOMETHING. It may work Or it may not. It may fly or it may flop. It may blaze or it may bomb. But you’re not stuck and you’re not laying in Comfort Zone.
Get up. Do something new. Something different. Try something. But when you don’t know what to do, simply decide that you’re going to do…something.