What’s Your Perspective?
Day 4
I’m always intrigued by perspective. Two people can be in the same room and hear the same thing yet experience two totally different meanings. People can see the same moment and come away with two different reactions. This is apparent in a big way during election season. Candidates make impassioned speeches and groups of people hear different things.
While some jump in with judgment immediately and call others wrong for what they see, the truth is there is some level of validity to every perspective. It’s this perspective that creates art. Perspective provides us different possibilities and different solutions.
Sometimes, I conduct an exercise with my kids where I ask them what they think about a certain item. I love hearing the creativity and different answers they come up with.
Today, I want you to explore your perspective a bit. What do you see when you look at the image below? What’s going on? What’s the lesson to be learned?
Here’s the image:
Day 4 Prompt: What is the lesson to be learned in the image of the wolf and the bird?
There’s a meaning in every minute and there’s a lesson in every moment. What do you see?
Instructions for today:
- Write a reply to the prompt for today. Use your own website blog, a wordpress.com blog or here on Medium.com.
- Link to this post in your own blog post.
This post is in reply to Day 4 of the Get It Write 14 Day Blogging Challenge - Post your link also in the Day 4 thread in the Facebook Group.
- Right-click the image below and choose Save Image As. Save it to your computer, then insert the image into your blog post. Hyperlink the image to http://www.robertkennedy3.com/blogchallenge