What’s Your Problem?

Robert Kennedy III
2 min readApr 10, 2017


The mindset is all wrong. There you are, in front of your computer, scrolling through all of the popular job websites. You’re told you need to upload your resume and then wait.

You see a job you’d be perfect for. But, you get discouraged because the application process takes more than 30 minutes. After doing two or three of these, you’re DONE!

You’re following the rules. You’re doing everything they told you. But, still, you have nothing to show for it. The biggest reason? You’ve been tricked. Bamboozled. Hoodwinked. Run amok. Go to school. Fill out a paper showing what you’ve been hired to do previously. Then, you should be able to find something.

But, it’s all wrong. You’ve been conned into a mindset where you are looking for someone to help you instead of the other way around. What if you looked for someone with a problem you could solve instead of a company with an opening? What if you shifted your search strategy and offered to serve someone instead of spending the majority of your day just looking?

I know. William, otherwise known as “bill” says you need to pay. He says if you don’t pay, you start to get stuff taken away or turned off. He makes you desperate and causes anxiety. But anxiety doesn’t solve problems. You do!

Oops, another challenge. You’re not sure what problem you can solve. Well, it’s time to find out.

What are your strengths? What comes easily? What is your expertise? What problems have you helped solve previously?

It’s time to start looking again because your problem-solving mentality is what moves you from just another applicant to an asset.

So ask…what’s your problem?

And, how can I help you solve it?

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About The Author

My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a leadership and communication speaker, trainer and author. I recently released 7 Ways To Know You Were Meant To Lead on Amazon. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebookor on my website, RobertKennedy3.com.



Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com

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