When You Feel Out Of Control
“Faith is taking a step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
“The opposite of faith is not doubt; it’s certainty.” — Anne Lamotte
“Faith is like Wi-fi; it’s invisible but has the power to connect you to what you need.” — Unknown
“The only thing worry changes is your blood pressure” — Robert Kennedy III
Faith is a powerful yet misunderstood word. It seems like it should be easy to grasp and put into action. All you need to do is concentrate and believe hard enough, right? Yep, that’s all you need to do. But, it comes at the expense of discomfort.
I recently heard the story of a family who was praying for their baby because she had a tumor wrapped around her throat. The family prayed and asked for prayer. Now, whatever you believe, there are some things over which you have absolutely no control. You can get into a car and have faith that you will make it to your destination. You control the steering wheel. You might be informed about an upcoming exam, and you may have faith you will pass it. You control the studying and the answer choice. But, when you hear from the doctor that your child has a tumor, there is nothing you can do. You can’t touch the tumor. You can’t operate (unless you’re the surgeon). You can’t blink and dismiss it. So, the choice becomes…to faith or not to faith.
This family chose “to faith.” This is not an easy decision because there is nothing you can do along the way.
As a speaker, author and business owner, I’ve had to make many decisions about how to move forward, especially as it pertains to money. Some decisions have worked out, and some have not. Going in, I have faith they will. I honestly believe they all have the possibility to work out well otherwise, why attempt them. But, to make money, I decide which gigs to accept. I prepare my speech. I prepare my training curriculum. I connect, build relationships and chat with many people. I’m actively pursuing the possibility in which I have faith. I believe it’s going to work out. I don’t have control over every element. But, it’s often enough for me to “feel” like I have some modicum of control.
But, what about when you are out in the middle of the ocean, with your hands and feet tied behind your back? What happens then? This is the feeling of “stuckness” where most decide just to give up. This is where many decide not “to faith.” Because, although we technically know what faith means, our majority experience with it still comes with a little bit of control.
So, when you are in a situation when you can do absolutely nothing, what do you do?
Faith is an action, probably the toughest of actions. It’s a mental action which requires setting aside every piece of negative energy you have acquired. It needs you to take every bit of your focus at that moment and pour it into that which you desire most.
In Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill refers to faith as “a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion.”
‘Repeated instructions’ means it happens over and over. Faith is practiced. Faith is something about which you can be intentional.
Even when you feel like you have no control and can do nothing, you can.
Oh, by the way, that little girl…the family went to the doctor a few weeks later, and the tumor was nowhere to be found.
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About The Author
My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a leadership and communication speaker, trainer and author. I recently released 7 Ways To Know You Were Meant To Lead on Amazon. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website, RobertKennedy3.com.