Where Is Emotional

Robert Kennedy III
3 min readApr 26, 2017


Some words are emotional. They send your heart racing and get your blood pumping. Are you upset? No, not necessarily. Are you anxious? Maybe a bit.

It’s time to leave for your appointment and this time you are leaving with 15 minutes of buffer time. You get out to the car and realize you don’t have your wallet. Where is it? You run back inside and begin looking. You look on the dresser. Not there. Check the armoire. Not there either. The bed maybe? Nope. Ahhhh, underneath it. Sorry, no luck there either. WHERE is this wallet?

OK. Maybe it’s not you. But, I know it’s me. It happens to me all the time. It happens with my keys. My wife says I need one of these Tile Trackers.

Since we’re speaking about my wife, the other day, we went to an event for our children, and we had to drive separately because she was coming directly from work. After the event, we both left with her driving behind me. It was dark, so I had to pay attention to see which lights were hers in the rearview.

As we neared home, I took a glance in the rearview to see if she was still there. She was. I took the next turn and drove down the street to our home. After pressing the garage door opener, I casually pulled into the driveway expecting my wife to pull in right beside me. Except, she didn’t.

“Hmmm,” I thought.

“Where is she?”

I called her phone but received no answer. Maybe she got caught behind another car on the street. Cars back out of their driveways sometimes and you have to wait.

I went inside with the boys and started giving them bedtime instructions. Ten minutes passed and still no wife. I called her phone and again, no answer. I went outside to look. Sometimes, she pulls up in the driveway and spends a few minutes finishing up a phone conversation before turning off the car. Nope. Not there either. Where was she?

Twenty minutes had passed, and I began to think of some other possibilities. None of them were encouraging. So, I hopped into the car and began to backtrack. As I arrived at the first corner, I stretched my neck forward, maybe expecting to see something around the corner. Nothing. I made the turn and kept driving. There was nothing at the main road either.


As I drove down the main road, a supermarket came into view, and I remembered a conversation we’d had earlier that day.

“Babe, I need to get some groceries.”

Now? She was going to get groceries NOW??

I turned into the supermarket parking lot and slowly drive the lanes as if I was stalking prey. As I reached the 3rd lane, I saw my daughter excitedly waving. I simply smiled and shook my head.

Where were they? There they were.

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Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com

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