Who Do You Choose?

Robert Kennedy III
3 min readApr 28, 2017



I’ll bet that as far back as you can remember, someone told you that you needed to be kind to others and share. You were groomed to think of others first, and when you didn’t, you were in danger of being labeled “selfish.”

Nothing wrong with that. Being kind to others is good. Sharing is an awesome thing to do. Some of the most amazing people in the world thought of others and their plight. Mother Theresa comes to mind.

But, what about you?


You! Yeah, you! Do you think about you? I mean REALLY think about you?

We say we think about ourselves and we may think we think about ourselves. But, is that real thought? I’m talking about the deep connection.

Most of us run away from ourselves. Sure, we pacify ourselves with a spa day here and there or a day golfing. But, we fear the deep work it takes to get down to the nitty-gritty.

“All of man’s difficulties are caused by his inability to sit, quietly, in a room by himself.” — Blaise Pascal

We fear being exposed. We’re afraid of being vulnerable. And so we mask our nakedness simply by not looking. It’s the ostrich approach. If I don’t acknowledge it, then it doesn’t exist.

While ignorance may have its advantages, it is nearly impossible to go full frontal with something which you won’t acknowledge. Our world is filled with opiates which deaden our sensibilities. Sometimes, it’s a literal drug. But most often, it’s something legal and innocuous.

It’s TV.

It’s Facebook.

It’s our car.

It’s a hobby.

Work, the kids, your spouse, your addiction…WHOA!

We use every trick possible to keep from spending alone time with the one who needs it most…ourselves.

We don’t know what to do with it. We do the same thing we wish others wouldn’t do to us. We judge ourselves because we don’t know how to solve ourselves or accept ourselves. So, we consciously and unconsciously seek to dull the pain.

But, the moment we summon the courage to look our pain in the eye is the moment we truly begin to live. That moment is when we learn what’s real and can begin to accept our power and our truth.

The truth is…we are amazing, resilient, powerful beings who have made it through countless experiences. You have made it through to the period after this word. And now, you’ve made it further. You didn’t have this planned out. You just arrived here and now it’s time to embrace your moment.

No matter what your internal fear monster tries to tell you, you’re at this moment, and that is a positive thing. The fear monster is trying to kill you. That’s its job. But, take a moment and simply acknowledge what’s real. The fact is you’re here…right now! Because of that, you get to choose this next moment.

Existential? Yeah, maybe.

True? Absolutely!


You! Right now, you GET to choose YOU!

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Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com

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