Who Inspires You?

Robert Kennedy III
3 min readOct 24, 2016


Day 8

If your business or any part of your life isn’t going right, the one big thing that may be missing is MENTORSHIP! Finding someone who has been there before is a great way to shortcut, or to use a 21st century term, “hack” the process. The problem with this is mentors can be hard to find. Or are they?

When I was starting my 3rd business, I decided to seek out a mentor. I found one at my church. He was a successful business man. I just KNEW I wanted him as my mentor. I spoke, I emailed, I called, I scheduled, I did everything I could to get him to sit with me. He appreciated my persistence and even invited me to a few of his events. He introduced me to some pretty neat connections. But, he was busy. He couldn’t always slow down his life to give me the help I was after. So, it was tiring to constantly feel like I was chasing.

If you have ever desired a mentor, you might have felt that way. The in person chase can be tiring. Luckily, there is another way to gain some mentorship. My mentor had some books. The first time we sat down, he gave me one of his books on dreaming big. I read through and received much of the value I would have had in a few conversations with him.

Sometimes our mentorship is there simply in the works of people who inspire us. I know you have someone who inspires you. Who has reached a level you envision for yourself? Who is doing the thing you want to be doing? I’m not talking about comparing yourself. I mean for you to look at the people who are successful in the area where you know you can make the greatest difference. Study what they are up to and how they did it. That creates a map for you to move forward. What have they written? What have they created? What have they recorded? Get it. Consume it! Learn from it.

Today, I want you to find someone ALIVE who inspires you. Write something about how and why they inspire you. Then tag them in the post. Get it to them somehow. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, whatever the means…get them connected to your inspiration from them.

Day 8 Prompt: Write about someone who inspires you. TAG them!

This was probably a bit scary. My goodness, I’m about to call out someone who I don’t even know. That’s the beauty of living in the time we are living in. We can connect in new ways and create different options for success! We just have to be willing to shake of a bit of the fear of criticism and go. I know, it may feel like you are going up to a random house in a new neighborhood to ring the doorbell. You don’t want to feel like you are bothering someone. But, it’s ok. It really is. That’s how social media is supposed to work. Go for it. Step outside!

Instructions for today:

  1. Write a reply to the prompt for today. Use your own website blog, a wordpress.com blog or here on Medium.com.
  2. Link to this post in your own blog post.
    This post is in reply to Day 8 of the Get It Write 14 Day Blogging Challenge
  3. Post your link also in the Day 8 thread in the Facebook Group.
  4. Right-click the image below and choose Save Image As. Save it to your computer, then insert the image into your blog post. Hyperlink the image to http://www.robertkennedy3.com/blogchallenge



Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com

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