Why I Shift…(Part 2)

Robert Kennedy III
4 min readDec 4, 2017


Continued from Part 1

“Are you speaking, Robert?”

“Huh? What do you mean, am I speaking? I’m talking to you right now!”

“No, silly, I mean are you speaking? Professionally? As part of your business or as your full business?”

“Well, errr, no! Not intentionally anyway. I mean, I’ve done a few workshops here and there but not as something I’m pursuing. Just when I’m asked, you know??”

The conversation went on but her question rang in my brain for days. Why was I not speaking? Why was I not intentionally seeking out speaking gigs? Why was I not using that part of my skillset? I had done voiceovers. I had taught. I had run workshops. I had done radio. Why was I not speaking?

Truth is…I was a bit scared. I didn’t know how. Sure, I knew how to say words. But, holding the interest of an audience for 30 minutes or an hour was an entirely different ballgame.

Those workshops I mentioned? Terrifying. I got through them but the preparation process was so nerve-wracking. I wasn’t sure what I should say. Then, not sure if there was enough material. While preparing, I saw smiling faces and a laughing audience. But, in presenting the faces seemed blank and judgmental. I wasn’t equipped for this and I didn’t know how to do it.

So, I decided to do something about it. I joined Toastmasters. Several years earlier, maybe 10 or so, my wife had talked about a Toastmasters club at her job and how she was looking to get involved with it because she wanted to develop her speaking skill.

“You talk just fine, babe. I mean, you don’t stumble over your words or anything like that.”

She explained.

“No, it’s a group for people who want to get better at public speaking, either in meetings or in front of a larger audience. It’s just a really good way to get practice and get better.”

I smiled. It didn’t mean a whole lot to me at the time because I was a teacher already; I was in front of crowds regularly because I sang. But, I didn’t know anything about speaking.

Then, more than a decade after that conversation, I found myself on the internet, checking out what Toastmasters clubs were in my area. I found out everything I could about the curriculum and what it would mean. My kids were in school and my family life was busy so most of the club meeting times didn’t work for me.

However, I visited a club one Tuesday evening expecting to feel small. I thought I was going into a group where the people had been practicing for years and I was going to be a novice who felt a bit intimidated. The first woman went up to speak. She was phenomenal. She was a pro.

The next speaker wasn’t as polished as the first but he was still pretty good. In fact, they announced him as having recently won a speaking contest. So, I figured he was having an off day.

They reached the part of the meeting called Table Topics. This is where anyone could speak based on a prompt given once you stand up. They encourage everyone two participate, of course, but especially the guests.

I was one of two guests. Since I had arrived to the meeting early, I was given a seat up front. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. But now, during the table topics intro, I could feel their eyes burning the back of my neck.

It was as if they were shoving me forward and poking me in the back with their gazes. I resisted for a moment. But then, I got up and took the bait…I mean, the prompt.

At that point, my heart made the decision to attempt release from inside. It kept banging on my rib cage and I could barely hear what was being said. But, I got enough of it to speak for my required 1 minute.

“Oh my gosh, that was great!”

“You’re a natural. We’re so glad you came out tonight!”

“You sure you haven’t done this before? You looked so at ease!”

I went back to visit that club twice. But, I couldn’t always predict my evening schedule. I wanted to get better and knew this would benefit me. But, it was a 25 minute drive and I couldn’t find a way to make it work consistently enough.

Then, I saw it.


…to be continued.


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About The Author

My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a professional speaker and author. I speak and write mainly about leadership and communication. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or on my website, RobertKennedy3.com

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Robert Kennedy III
Robert Kennedy III

Written by Robert Kennedy III

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com

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